Why now?
The gap between Christmas and New Year is, for me at least, a breathing space. It's the first time in ages that I get a few days to take stock and think about where I am and what I might need in the coming months. And from the number of phone calls I've received for acupuncture since the beginning of the week, I'm clearly not alone.
So why is now the time to consider acupuncture?

New Year is traditionally an opportune pause to get your ducks in a row, so to speak. But it's when we stop for a moment that we realise how we really feel. You've had a headache for weeks and it's still there. Your digestion is unpredictable and uncomfortable. That knee pain has been hanging around for I don't know how long. Your menstrual cycle has become irregular. Despite the few days' rest, you still feel anxious. You're not sleeping properly.
Does any of that sound familiar?
Acupuncture is great for targeting specific health conditions, but remember it works holistically so the benefits can extend way beyond what you might be expecting. The focus of acupuncture is always on your symptoms, but it's also on you as an individual: the target is overall wellbeing.
If you (or someone close to you} have found yourself aware of a health issue that has been lurking for too long, making you frayed round the edges, or if you simply feel below par, now is the time to grasp the nettle and consider a course of acupuncture.
To find out if acupuncture could help you, call me on 07920 107666 or email info@kp-acupuncture.co.uk